PLAY AND LEARNING BELONG TOGETHER Greg created Adventure Island TV as a sprinkle of magic and joy over life and learning. Join him as he explores Adventure Island, a magical world of story and make-believe with his two little dogs, Bonnie and Eppie, as well as a host of other characters including Zoomer the Number Dog, Bob The Brick, the Magic Mustard Tin, and the Poggle, with many new and wonderful friends to meet along the way.
Episode 1 is below and you can find all episodes on YouTube via the button below. Why not subscribe while you're there, so you and your children never miss an adventure.
You can also discover the spin-off mini-series, "Can You Do That?' featuring Greg, Bonnie and Eppie as well as the characters from Adventure Island as they explore early skills and the joy of Being You.
To add to all the magic, you can also immerse in 'Thimble the Christmas Mouse', 10 episodes of wonder, story and learning that can be enjoyed at any time of the year - Thimble might be the Christmas Mouse but she her magic isn't confined to Winter...
Adventure Island TV has huge scope for language, mathematics, mark making, reading, imagination, outdoor play, team solidarity and parental connections within playful practice, and it's all deeply rooted in the philosophy in Greg's two books 'Can I Go And Play Now?' and 'School and the Magic of Children'