The Curious Quests takes the magic of Drawing Club into Year 1...
Created to begin in Autumn 2, The Curious Quests is an immersive adventure into story, poetry, make-believe and giving children a childhood that brims with endless possibilities to invent, imagine and story dream.
To go on the Curious Quests with your children you must have a full understanding of Drawing Club. If you don't know how to use it then you need to do an online session on that first. The Curious Quests session and resources will not make sense without the context of Drawing Club and the online session will assume that you are familiar with its 4 Mini Moments.
Ideally, you will be using Drawing Club already in Year 1 since this is a bridge from Reception for the children.
The Curious Quests combines short carpet sessions, group work and children exploring open-ended resources such as junk modelling, construction, playdough, role play and if possible, being outside. If you don't have 'continuous provision' like this then you can't go on the The Curious Quests.
You will have abundant opportunities to show children the joy of SPAG and apply their phonic understanding too, though The Curious Quests does not tell you what to teach and when - that is down to you and your knowledge of your children and the curriculum. The Curious Quests, just like Drawing Club is more like an open-ended landscape to adventure in.
You will also need to be committed to joy. And not just you, your school leaders too. The Curious Quests are not about writing text types because this is not in the Year 1 Writing National Curriculum as an expectation - children become detached from writing when adults turn it into a task.
If you are a school that believes children should be writing recounts and instructions and diary entries at the age of 5 and 6 then the Curious Quests is not for you.
The Curious Quests wants to build on the liberation of Drawing Club that shows children that writing is for them and that the pen is a magic wand. They write for their own joy, not to meet the demands of the adults.
If The Curious Quests sounds like the 'literacy' you want to immerse your children in, then click on the logo belong to grab your place(s) - there is world of magic awaiting you. I shall see you there, Greg :)