The Adventure Island magazine has been created to take the magic of Adventure Island into the home. Each monthly issue is jam-packed with Happy Talk, mathematics, reading, story, wonder and story dreaming - perfect for sharing with the families you work with.
The content has been crafted around Greg's approach of the 3Ms and 'show, not tell' - it is not defined by 'curriculum' or rigid 'age related expectation', but instead simply acknowledges the joy of sharing, chatting and wondering together. This enables adults to chat about learning in general and releases parents and carers from the anxiety of 'getting it right' - the magazine is there to prompt chat and wonder. In this way, counting in 10s can be shared with 2 and 3 year olds, reading can be explored along with letter sounds because there is no 'do-this'. It can be a liberating way of being with children and the magazine is the key to unlocking it.
Each issue is available by monthly subscription of £3.50 and will arrive in your inbox as a PDF ready to share. Subscribers will also discover the 30-page Adventure Island Parent Guide - ideal for immersing parents into the wonder of the 3Ms and story dreaming.